Waffles with Writers: Madame Weebles

May 5, 2013

I recently had the pleasure and honor of being interviewed by Mike Allegra, Children’s Author Extraordinaire. Come on over and join us. And if you’re not already following Mike’s blog, you should be. Seriously. Follow him.

Hey, Look! A Writer Fellow!

Welcome to my new interview show, Waffles with Writers! Every month I will chat with a working writer over a nice, waffle-centric meal.

Today’s brunch guest is Madame Weebles, who is best known for having recently taken the blogging world by storm with her sometimes profound, sometimes profane, and always compulsively readable posts. Decades before she named herself after a 1970s choking hazard, however, Weebles’ writing credentials were firmly in place; her career includes long tenures as both a professional historian and medical editor. These days, in addition to her regular posts, Weebles works as a reiki master and geeks out over the life stories of Hot Dead Guys.


Mike: Welcome, Madame! You’re just in time. The Belgian waffles are just out of the iron and piping hot. What toppings would you prefer?

Madame: Ice cream and chocolate syrup, please. And maybe some strawberries. And bananas. And whipped cream.

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21 responses to Waffles with Writers: Madame Weebles


    So many new things I’ve learned about you. But remind me never to get on your bad side. I really don’t want Bieber or the Kardashians at my birthday party.



    The pleasure was all mine, Madame!



    Great interview, Madame W. But now I have a craving for waffles….



    Loved the interview and I also learned new things about you. Mind you, I disagree about Beiber…I kinda like the kid. The rest would be scary if they attended…mind you, this year there was nobody so maybe having a couple of Kardashians around would be better than nothing…lol



    Fascinating, as always, Madame! It didn’t surprise me that you mentioned Robert Cornelius, but it was fun to see you’re a Tesla fan, too. Now there was an interesting guy. I’m surprised he hasn’t made it to your Hot Dead Guys list – apparently he was supposed to have been quite an attractive fellow. 😉



    Loved it. And yes, the waffles look good. I feel hungry now. Dam, now i wish i hadn’t visited.



    Absolutely loved your interview, Madame Weebles. Truly, we have some of the same interests. Most of my reading of history and science have been done through children’s books, but I learned so much. It would be fun to chat with an adult about such matters.

    I have no idea why my follows are disappearing. I had to re-follow Mike, and now I see I need to push your button, too.



      Hi Maddie! That happens to me sometimes too, my follows disappear and then I have to re-follow them. There are a lot of good children’s books on history and science, which is good because kids really need to have fun ways of learning about these subjects. Teachers can make them so deadly boring. It’s a shame–history is full of good juicy dirt, it’s just that they don’t teach those bits in school.



    Madame Weebles,
    You’re a great interview subject, blogger, friend and human being.
    The Hook.



    Love the header, love Tesla – the feeling’s grabbed me by the way – I’m not really in to schadenfreude but I would have loved to have seen Edison’s face when he saw that Tesla was just better than him; shame he died as he did though. And not even in the same hot league as Cornelius; would you not consider writing a historical fiction?



      Hello Mr. Seed!! I’m so happy to see you and am very glad the feeling grabbed you. Edison was really a singularly unpleasant man, deserving of a bit of schadenfreude at his expense, quite frankly. I suppose I could do a historical fiction, although I’m not much of a fiction writer. I will ponder this, though, as I hadn’t ever considered it until you mentioned it…



        It’s quite a big thing at the moment, historical fiction, Hilary Mantel is big over here, although that may be because of her Duchess of Cambridge slur (misrepresented by the media of course)…
        It seems an interesting avenue to go down; so long as your dates and whatnot all tally you essentially have free reign. You should definitely ponder.
